12 April 2009

Little Stories

I. In which... Sarah uses her Hands Aptly

Here we are. I am on the bed. Andrea is in the doorway. Sarah is in the middle of the room explaining something to us. There is no corelation between the movement of her hands and the meaning of her words, but it still helps us understand what she says. She is probably telling us a story about how the cabin will be. She says we will eat a lot of food and go on some walks and it probably will not snow because it's too late in March. Maybe she is saying that everyone will end up mailing her checks and it will be fine. She forgets to mention a few things: that the mattresses are crackly and covered with plastic. That there is a porch swing. That you can climb on the roof as long as you know it is hot. At this point none of us know that we will have to drive through a thick fog coming to and going from.

II. In Which... Michael loves a little tree.

Look! Michael has found a tree. You may not see it from here, but it is a pretty sapling with dark pink flesh. This, of course, sounds un-ethical. Perhaps you think that Michael is a power hungry dude convinced that he owns everything he sees, with no consideration of what the tree needs to survive
(maybe, for example, it's native climate). But there you are wrong. There were so many in the forest and he couldn't stand to see it lost among a crowd, so he brought it home.

Just kidding. You can tell by his outfit that Michael is clearly on his way to a Pearl Jam concert. As he was walking, he heard this little tree rocking out to Jeremy's Daughter and is going to stow it away in his boot so they can share the jams with each other.

III. In which... Four Girls Spend a long afternoon in Giggles

Asking when the giggles would stop was like asking when the breeze would stop blowing or the sun would stop shining or icing would stop resting on cake. There's no answer for such a thing, but if you were really pressed to give one, well, you'd probably have to settle on 'never.'

IV. In Which Levi Discovers Happiness

Turn around, bright eyes.

V. In which... Zach propositions a Little Dish (of ice cream)

Say, are you here alone?
No! The people who invited you here left?
I'm so sorry; it seems awfully lonely over there at your table.
You know, I'd love to have your company over here.

VI. In which... Michael discovers his mortality

Sometime ago, doing the same thing he does everyday, something twitched or hiccuped somewheres and Michael cut into his hand. Looking at his tender muscle, examining the thin skin that manages to keep us together, Michael blinked a few times in learning how close his insides are to the outside.

VII. In which... the past calls out to me with a vital message.

Ms. Hen, very proud, arrived at the market with a new dress, of the color blue.
She had two bags and a bonnet.
That proud Ms. Hen!
Not even talking to the other hens!
That proud hen, didn't look at anybody. Didn't look to the right or the left.
She was walking upright, with amusing movements from one side to the other, showing off her new dress.
Suddenly: Down!
Ms. Hen and her new dress fell in a mudpuddle.

VIII. In which... Ms. Squirrel tries to work her way in

When I first saw this lady out the kitchen window, I thought it was a boy and deserved to be the new mascot of Easter! I was lucky enough to watch this squirrel through her entire lunch, amazed at how fearless she was under my gaze. It was then I learned: she is trying to make Lucious fall for her. Perched, patient, self-sufficient, watchful, made of graceful curves, and delicately nibbly. These are clearly the qualities he admires. I wonder how many meals she spends on the posts nearby our windows.

IX. In which... I spice things up

Here we are and lent is over. I don't know if I lived up to my full potential in my endeavors. Although I certainly had some gleaming moments, I think I went at this project all wrong. I wanted the discipline, sure, but I think I wanted it because I thought I would gain creative or writerly clarity through measuring myself out. I also think that what the early bird finds is quiet. In that deep quiet and still is where the faintest rustle of a bud beginning to burst can be heard. I never let myself quiet down that much, so I'm still on the chase. Chase like a game of tag (or even, 'chase,' the game) where we all run around trying to get something. If we succeed, our captive is immediately freed and we start out running again. With that, I'll go.