25 February 2009


  1. Two years ago, my early morning caffeine binges somehow inspired me to write a poem each day during Holy Week.
  2. Last year I gave up coffee for lent.
  3. Today, I couldn't decide between taking daily photos with written reflection or giving up internet use at home.
  4. I am tired of talking too much and need to temper my mouth by using my hands (a slower tool and one more prone to editing).

Last week at Episcopal class our rector, Alan, suggested practising a Lenten prayer cycle framed around the seven purposes of prayer laid out in the catechism. Ok, so I don't know about lent or prayer or the catechism but I do love patterns and cycles. It works out that there are 7 purposes of prayer and the 7th is corporate worship, which can be celebrated on Sundays. The structure was too neat for me to deny. I've decided to do early morning holy writing while mindful of these purposes of prayer. The question still remains, I suppose: what the hll is this blog?

I just wanted to do something else. I still want to take a picture every day. I can't tell if this blog is more about lent or waiting for the spring everyday or if those are the same thing. Anyhows, in each entry you will find: 1) a picture taken that day and 2) some kind of message about the photo or how dark it is and quiet and 3) a mention of lent or prayer.

I can't solicit any questions because I don't have any readers. How perfectly convenient for me.

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